A monthly series on nutrition and wellness after retirement and beyond! Learn to care for yourself in your new found time. We’ll talk about nutritionally dense foods, what foods that can help you feel your best, food energetics, and how to add joyful movement to your everyday life. Certified Holistic Health Coach, Jess Stewart will demonstrate how easy and simple cooking healthy can be.
In this two session book club, the participants will receive the book on the first day to read at home. Then it will be discussed at the following session. Please register for both days on the YPL website.
This event is open to a limited number of attendees. For this reason, please give cancellation notice at least 24 hours before the scheduled event. This will allow us to offer your spot to someone on the waiting list.
Photos and videos may be recorded at library events. By attending you may be included in these photos and videos. Your attendance at this event grants your permission to be in these photos or videos which may be used for archival or library promotional purposes. Please inform the event facilitator if you have any objection to you or your child being photographed or recorded.
Quarterly Board of Directors meeting for the Friends of the Library.